Going back to say.... 2015

 I was racking my brain the last two days on when we went down the path to using Family Cloth for the first time. That isn't why there hasn't been a post until today but that is a story for another day. I have sorted my flannel stash and I am about ready to make some more wipes just to have on hand for emergencies.

Several times this week I thought oh yes today I will sew. Now my thoughts are clean the kitchen and the laundry room as therapy comes tomorrow and the goal is to have DH go up and down the basement steps. I am quite sure he can do it without any trouble. However the laundry room is mine. I am the only one who goes in there so I don't have it tidied every day; in fact rarely is it tidy any more.

You see since my daughter is going to California instead of me, I get the grandchild that does not like the Gramma. So nothing is tidy here. But I will stay up late tonight and clean the laundry room and the kitchen. I will also get things ready for tomorrow that I missed today and was unable to do with her underfoot.

Back to 2015, that is the year we tried lots of things, we being my daughter and I. We dropped off using the Family Wipes when we were pretty much out of the diaper stage. Sounds weird when I say that but it just kind of fell by the wayside. Then the house burning down didn't help. I just haven't had the time to make any more of them or energy for that matter. 

This next week I will see what I can add to my platter of "to do's". For now I will just try to relax and not be so overwhelmed by demands of the life I live.

She really does not like the gramma
So hard to believe this is the same kid as this one below

Tomorrow is a new day... maybe it will be the break-through day!


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