Another week begins

 It is the beginning of week 44 and I have high hopes of getting SIL placed and the house getting into a new order. Again, these are high hopes. Not sure what will actually get done. I did get the laundry room sink cleaned out. This is nice to have but it seems to fill with odds and ends that don't have a home until you can no longer fit anything into the sink. Then it gets emptied only to start all over again.

It is the end of the day, and everyone is just about settled down for the night. I have been able to do a couple loads of laundry, gone to town to pick up a kiddo and visited a couple of stores on the way. I was happy to find a gallon of heavy whipping cream for $20.19. When Costco has it, it is only a half-gallon, it is ultra-pasteurized, and roughly $12. To me this was a bargain! And it was not ultra-pasteurized. Double bonus in my book! Buying a gallon is not the best size for me but I can make it work and not waste any of it.

Now some people may not find that an exciting way to spend a Saturday, but I did! I had to go to town to pick up a kiddo, so I added in a few stops. To my disappointment Wal-Mart has increased the price of the dog food that I get and reduced the size of the package by 6 lbs. They did it because I wouldn't notice. The stores had been out of the 50lb. bags for a couple of weeks I figured supply chain issues, so I bought the 22lb. bag and called it good. 

Today there were a few bigger bags, but they were 44lb. bags. I didn't see the flavor that we usually get so I picked up the smaller bag. I looked at the bag and then searched my phone for a picture of the bag that I had been buying. It seems that not only did the 50lb bag lose weight, but so did the 22lb bag! Both bags still claimed to have a bonus of 4 lbs. free, one was 44 and the other now 18. Do they think we won't notice? Or do they even care? 

Oh well, it is the night before school starts for the week and I must close and get things in order. It seems the oldest left her only properly fitting school skirt at a sleepover and now we are about to be in a pickle. So, good night world... I'll see you tomorrow.


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