Week 48 and counting...

 The week started without me. I was detained by dementia and its' friends. The grandkids have covid and they probably got it from school, so we assumed the kids here also have it since they have the same symptoms. I will say that having all these kids sick together and SIL on top of it, is very stressful! Now I have the scratchy throat and runny nose. Par for the course, may as well get it all together.

The noise level rivals a runway during the 5 o'clock bank on a Monday evening. The noise is very upsetting to SIL, she constantly thinks something wrong. Trying to calm her and meet their needs is overwhelming at best.

Yesterday went out with a bang and today started early. With all the kids here, it was quite noisy, and noise is a catalyst. A very effective one at that. My mind was in a fog of some sort. I signed up for the last three parking audits at the hospital yesterday. The plan was to drive the grandkids back to their home and go from there. Trouble was, I couldn't for the life of me find car keys. This has been a running theme in my entire adult life! Sometimes to the extent that a car has been sold without any keys.

That is a story for another day! Back to search. The littles were loaded up and the baby fell asleep in her car seat. My older granddaughter agreed to sit in the car with her while I looked frantically for the key. This went on for about an hour and a half with the help of DH. No keys were ever found. I gave in and took the Escalade. I do not like driving the Escalade. I cannot see over the front end; I feel like I cannot keep the beast between the lines. It also reeks of mechanical oils, much like helicopters do. Perhaps that is why I don't like driving it. It shouldn't be, because I loved working with the helicopters! I loved flying, fixing, balancing the blades... I did hate the smell of the grease, especially if a dead mouse was in it.

I did drive the Escalade. The kiddos were dropped off to their dad and I headed to the hospital to perform the audits. They went relatively quickly, not without challenges. The second set of attendants did not follow the playbook. I couldn't reach my scheduler for advice, I sat in a waiting room with a ton of sick people for 25 minutes. It is okay, I was sick too. All in all, the job went pretty fast. Not smoothly, but it got done.

I then headed to the little mini-Walmart to pick up some milk and give my Costco card to my daughter. Of course, the beast was thirsty, so I gave it a full tank and headed home. On the way I called DH to check in and see if he, perhaps, had remembered to feed the ones I left behind. He had not. It was late, but I told him to fix a frozen pizza and call it good. Then I explained where he would find the frozen item. What to check for in the kitchen before cooking and so on. About 15 minutes later I received a call asking where the pizza pan would be hiding.

When I arrived home one kid had a bowl of cereal, the other a sandwich and SIL was sitting on the loveseat, in the dark living room, staring at the windows. DH had a plate with cooked pizza and was in his mancave starting to eat. Had he given SIL food? No, she didn't want any, he says. She doesn't ever want to eat unless someone will sit and eat with her. He will not.

That was the gist of the day. Everyone got tucked in and morning came in fast and noisy!  Happy Tuesday world! (And you ;) 


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