Sunshine and snow

 Thursday in the middle of the day the youngest and I decided to go for a walk in the snow. We were dressed warm enough for the beautiful sunshine. I did not take into account the brightness of the snow and the sun together.

Fresh snow

Only tracks to be seen

It was pretty to see! It has been so long since we actually had a good snow. This snow was not record breaking but nice just the same. She had been out playing in the snow before I joined her for a walk. We headed out the driveway and down the road.
On the road there were more tire tracks

Now there would be more people tracks! 

A little further done the road we stopped for a minute or so to make a snow angel!
She had a blast! We walked a little further 

It felt good to get out and get some fresh air and watch the young one work off some of her energy. It is now Friday night and Sundowner's has set in. SIL does not want to eat anything that is available. I offered pork chops, but that is not something that she normally eats. She is currently stressing out about being stressed out. Apparently, she overheard DH when I called about the facility that I visited being nice. He is not quiet and now she is worried.

As I returned home with the kiddos, I slowed the car down to take a look at her snow angel...
Still there!

Remember this:

Gotta go... the house is on fire... again!


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