I may have missed my calling... week 47

 It is Sunday and the week number 47 has begun. As breakfast orders were taken and I prepared Malto Meal for one, Grits for another. honey nut cheerios for SIL, eggs for a little and wait on the last one to decide what she wants, I feel I may have lost my calling as a short order cook. The kiddos are starting to sound as bad as me, so we stayed home from church today and we are participating online. Okay, I am participating.

The sermon today is mentioning "your own mission fields". Boy, have I failed! Thankfully, each day is new and there is the chance to change my path. In person service is more uplifting for me but since that isn't a possibility this is the next best thing. I am tired, probably from this cold. I breathe easy will standing but lay down and all bets are off.

I am slowly getting things in some kind of order around here. This morning before service I cleaned out the egg refrigerator. Yes, we a refrigerator devoted to eggs right now.  It hard to give away all the eggs we produce. I try to, but when I don't get to go to town everyday my donation sites are limited. Therefore, some eggs hang around too long. I usually cook some up for the dogs and feed some to the outside birds. This winter has had me under the weather more than any other year in the last ten years. That made for a real excess of eggs. It is solved now; we are down to 5 dozen in the fridge.

Maybe I'll feel better this week and get back to giving them away on a regular basis.

It is finally the end of a long day and the start of a new school week; did I get anything done? No, most of my day was consumed by meeting some unknown need and chasing away unexplainable anxiety. I did reach out to the POA and the rep payee about the needed changes. That was a challenge at best. We did not get to finish our movie either. Maybe next time.


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