Laundry room day..

 After not being able to walk into the laundry room yet again, for the stuff that gets "dropped" here, I decided it was time to clean it up a bit. I didn't get a whole lot done as I have a long list of items to accomplish. One item for sure is that I have to let the first-choice facility know that we are going a different direction in the future. It is now Sunday, and I am no more ready to move her than before. I know it must be done and that the less expensive place needs to be our choice financially, but I dread that it is 10 miles further away. 

Back to the laundry room, it is still an overwhelming mess, and here it is Friday and almost the beginning of the 44th week in this year's countdown. You know that is harder to keep track of than I thought. The week has been super busy. We have company from Michigan here and the weather has been less than great. The wind is relentless on some days and the cold is just as bad.

The change in people and dogs in the house has had an adverse effect on SIL. She is a little more antsy and needy. But that is to be expected when you drop something new on her without warning. we continued on with the week and got through it. The above picture is of the envelope that the truck title came in and it proves that the POA did send it and the postal service took the slow boat to China to get it here. We did accomplish changing POA paperwork this past two weeks. 

The dealership was happy to get the title to the truck and SIL was okay with getting the check. She said I paid $53,000 for that truck. She, of course, did not get that for it but she got more than half that. The original plan was to have her move into an Assisted Living facility on Monday. We did not get the paperwork from the doctor so we may or may not get moved in on Monday.

Preparations to get her moved are continuing so that when we do get the paperwork, we are all set. Except of course for the trauma and the anxiety that moving causes in the first place. Not much else we can do. 


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