Next! After another fire of course... she should be tired of seeing fires by now...

 Yesterday, I took my daughter, and we investigated a memory care facility. Either I was genuinely impressed, or I am so ready for things to change. The facility was actually very nice! The staff seemed kind and caring, residents were happy and milling about freely. I can see her actually fitting in. Even perhaps liking it there. I am going to have to have help to get her things moved in. My biggest problem was this, I called DH to tell him I was impressed and that we would have to get things rolling for a March move in; he in all his quietness, did not leave the room where SIL was located as he talked to me. On arriving home, she began to question me about where she is going. I told her that she would have to go stay in a care center when it is needed. She backed away from me and clung to a wall, she was shaking and concerned that we were taking her back to the hospital that we got her from. I assured her I would never do that.

So, the month begins, we wait for the title to the truck. It has been 10 days since she said she mailed it. Still no title, and of course she did not send it with any tracking of any sort. Now we wait until when? I am tempted to have her get a duplicate title and have it mailed here from the DMV.

The house was on fire again this morning, but not bad enough to miss pills or cheerios. Poor thing is exhausted so off to sleep she goes. I have another facility to tour this morning, I am not sure it is worth doing but I will go and perhaps it will be even more impressive!

I did not take into account that DH would have plans for today, nor did he take any of my plans into account. Needless to say, plans changed. He needed to go help the kids with their remodel and I could reschedule my tour. I am not at my best anyway. The congestion is pretty intense this afternoon. 

It turned out to be a good thing that I didn't leave as the rep payee called and we discussed the upcoming changes that needed to be made. She was in full agreement. Now to discuss it with the POA. 

The plan for dinner was crock-pot lasagna and creamed spinach (that is for me no one else will try it)
toasted French bread

Creamed spinach

Crock pot lasagna

With that I will close for the night and deal with life as it is for now. Time to pace the floors and worry, not me, SIL


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