Second wake up

 Today I was cranky on my next wake up call. You see someone finally went to bed at 0600, so I went and got a blanket, pillow, turned off all the lights and shoved the dog off the couch in order to lay down and "guard" the exits. At 0610, DH came to the kitchen looking for his phone, turning lights on telling Kim to go back to bed. She was back up and ready to go. 

It didn't work. She stood by the couch asking questions; I covered my head with a blanket and feigned sleep. The time had come for the morning routine to start. First the pill pass, feed the kiddo's and say you are welcome 6 times to SIL for giving her the pills, sending her to her room to put her binder away. Then she comes back and waits for her half a bowl of honey nut cheerios. She eats those and we talk for a few minutes. Then...

The battle begins. Yes, she is asleep. I may be able to get her to her feet without help, I may not. Each day is different. Yesterday, she struggled with me, because I was there to hurt her. At least that is how she felt at that moment. Today she walked, stumbled to the bathroom and then into her room to rest. the difference? Who knows, maybe because her brother was home, maybe she was ready from being up all night.

Well, I need to close for now and empty the dishwasher. I also need to locate the modem I bought last summer as the technician will set it up for me when they come. It could take me until next Friday to find that thing. I did not get to look for it today. I ended up trying to get a few minutes of quiet. But that did not occur either. 

I took a short car ride to town and discovered the roads are still snow packed. I called in an order for pizza for the family dinner as my attitude stinks and I do not want to cook. I then picked up fake nails for the kids because they want some and I headed back home.

The night ended with me being angry and frustrated and scolding the youngest one needlessly. I should have just gone out to the camper and taken a nap earlier in the day. It is a day later and not much has changed, except that I am not cranky. I failed to note the date as a day for a court hearing. Lucky for me that the attorney called to remind me that the hearing was at 0930. I let him know that we are without power right now and I do not have a house phone without power and that my cell phone is on its last bar. (I did not tell him I forgot the hearing) As he explained the situation the power returned.
 She fell asleep while talked to my mom

It got a bit chilly without power so when she woke, I took her to her room and covered her with a blanket. To my surprise she went willingly. Normally after a short nap she is starving and must eat immediately. That next nap lasted about 15 minutes.

As I sit and type this, I am waiting for the attorney to call us in to the hearing. I have "bluey" playing on the television for the baby and it keeps going away. It turns out SIL has the second remote and keeps cutting off the baby's program. She has stated twice I am trying to get the next episode for her because it shut off. Also, could I please get her some coffee with creamer, I have nothing to eat. She has a piece of pizza in her hand, a bowl of cheerios sans milk, a glass of diet soda and a mug of water in her possession. All this was procured by her while I was in the other room changing a diaper.
SIL with her booty!

The attorney also called during that time, and I missed the call. On calling him back he shared that our next hearing would be on May 20th at 11:15 in the morning to make the permanent placement final and that we could bring any family members that might want to come. He stated he would call us back in a few minutes as the judge decided we didn't have to participate.

He did return the call and stated the order to publish was given and that he was going to make another attempt to reach one parent and have her served since we had an address. Publication would be done, and he also said he would text her a copy of the publication. He stated there wasn't much more than that we could do... I suggested hiring a limo and picking her up for the hearing. Not sure he took it as sarcasm.

On that note I will get myself ready to go visit an assisted living and make decisions for the future.


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