More like a trip instead of a slip

After bringing SIL home for the night and the next morning, I realized just how much time I spend focused on keeping her safe. She was in the same room with me all. day. long. Except for sleeping, I had her with me. Why might you ask? Partly, for safety, when I went outside, she would follow, tripping every few steps on her own feet and the unlevel ground. Yet if she was left inside there were dangers there also. She has poor safety awareness. A watermelon on the counter was a game of hide and seek. Okay that sounds weird, let me explain. When SIL first came to live here she was pretty immobile. She could not make her legs work so she stayed mainly in her room. As she became a little more adventurous, she also became more delusional. Most of my good knives and scissors lived on magnetic strips in the kitchen. I had DH hang another strip in the laundry area so that all really dangerous sharps could be kept out of reach. I also insisted that he install a locking handle on the ...