Saturday and oh so long...

 The morning started early enough, and things piled on after that. The long-lost parents are back from house hunting and the orphan teens are uplifted. My daughter is pretty sure her daughter is never leaving home after their flight from parenthood for 14 days. The grandson is ready to quit having parent time. I am exhausted after a trip to Dairy Queen, Walmart and Taco Bell with SIL in tow. I could not get her to focus, and she was in the bathroom, and I had to leave. Not sure she will even remember our day. I think when this happens, I just am not sure what I can do for her. 

My plan was to go back at 8pm and do meds, but that is what time it is now, and I cannot go. I have obligations at home at this time of night and that was why I enlisted a caregiver. She is willing to go but I have misgivings about taking up so much of her time too. We agreed to Monday through Friday for her, and I would do Saturday and Sunday. Now I am falling down on my end of the bargain. I did spend from 1100 this morning until 5pm this evening with her. Yet I still feel guilty that the staff has to help her to bed. Mainly because I don't think they will help her.

Good morning blog I dozed off before I finished last night. This next week has more appointments and lots of work around here to be done. The adult kids have started considering buying an RV and traveling for the summer. That would be kind of cool, I think. Oh wait, I did that only it involved a deuce and a half, GP medium, and a whole bunch of guys that had less than polite manners. Maybe their adventure will be different.

Sleeping in until 0600 throws me off a bit. Especially when I don't get the kitchen completely tidied up the night before. Last night was one of those nights. Can you catch a cold virtually? I mean if a friend sends a text stating they don't feel great and then a day or so later you wake up ears clogged, nose stuffy and a nice cough to go with it, can you blame your friend?

We are about to start our second week of summer break and no schoolwork has been attempted at all. By the kiddos I should say. I have at least looked at supplies in the stores and doing the laundry and I have been removing their uniforms as I find them in an attempt to have everything cleaned and ready and replaced if needed, before the start of school in August. I do wish they would send out the supply list in June so families can pick up things as they see them, on sale of course.

This price is higher than their normal before school price

It makes me wonder if perhaps I should have bought them that day. I took the pictures just to compare it to the new before school price when it comes out. Honestly though, Office Depot or Office Max or even Staples have much better sales for school items when the time comes. Often items like pencils, rulers, or sharpeners are only a penny. I can catch that sale on occasion. Mostly in the past I have missed it because I was working and oblivious.

That said, I must close for now and get ready for my day! Watch that Sunday paper for those supplies!


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