How do you spell stress?

 Paperwork. Simple as that. I loathe it. I will do it, because I need too. Just so it is ready. I have not convinced DH that it is okay to only bid 500,000 on a property. I still contend that it is safer even though a gamble, he doesn't want to waste the energy for only that "knowing" it will be too low. I may waste it anyway. Regardless, after my panic of too many things thrown at me this afternoon, I feel resolved to take care of all the little things that are in the way. Even though they spell stress.

On a lighter note, last night I was planning on going to SIL's apartment to show my older granddaughter how to help get SIL to bed and the pill routine. I loaded the car with the essentials and started looking for the key. I had planned to leave about 15 minutes early so I could get gas. The key was nowhere to be found. I looked in every conceivable place, DH looked and reminded me of the importance of putting it in the same place. He suggested that I use the hook, that I check my pockets, check and double check, and asked me to retrace my steps. He flatly stated they have to be here you haven't gone anywhere today.

I had just returned from my morning adventure about 4 hours prior and he had offered to help unload the car... as I was bringing in the last item from the trip. I looked at the clock and it was 10 minutes after 6pm. That was when I suggested I would take the orange van, it has air conditioning anyway so it would be more comfortable. DH went into overdrive looking for the key and all suggestions of what I need to be doing ceased. As I gave the kitchen one more visual sweep, I heard DH declare "I found them!" Of course, I needed to know where. He sheepishly admitted it was in his shirt pocket. I called him "sticky fingers" and headed out the door. 

It turns out I had put them exactly where I usually do, on the Pac-Man game table just inside the front door. You see, today DH decided to replace the handle on the front entry door. The one that came with the home was very difficult to use. That's a story for another day. While working on this project he saw a key and picked it up. He thought it was to his Dodge RAM, that is why he never considered checking his own pocket until the end of the search.

Table in question

New door handle

I made it to the care center on time and Renee and I had a good visit after our task was completed. It is time to load the kiddos for Sunday school. I'll catch up later on the rest of this adventure... because you know it isn't over😆


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