Two trips to town and an hour on the phone

 It seems that this week the theme is go to town at least twice and then spend all kinds of time on the phone trying to settle SIL at the care center. Last night was no different and I fully expect today to be the same. It is chilly this morning at 53 degrees outside and only 68 degrees inside. 

The storm that cooled the area didn't even produce much rain. It is still pretty cool outside, so I am going to enjoy it for now. When the heat starts here in the summer it doesn't let up. 

The above are notes from the day before yesterday. My day yesterday was a lazy one as far as getting things done around the house. I spent most of it figuring out if we could really afford to move and if so, do we really want too. During these hours there were therapy visits for SIL, I attended remotely. Also, I had a virtual appointment that I actually thought was supposed to be weeks ago on a Wednesday. My bad, it was yesterday. Luckily, I was available sort of. 

Later I checked my phone messages and realized that the caregiver was not going to be able to help SIL get her meds and get to bed. DH was asleep in his truck listening to a ballgame. The youngest and I were out on the side road taking a walk about a half mile from the house and it was 7:39 at night. 

We walked briskly back to the house and a promise was made to stop at the general store and buy a candy before I dropped the little at the older daughter's home. About halfway to town the little stated she wanted to see SIL. So, I risked it and just took her with me. We arrived at about 8:45pm and then we were stuck at the door waiting for someone to let us in. Once in, we obtained the meds from the med person and had her let us in to the room. Three minutes later the meds are done, and I am dressing SIL for bed.

She got up to use the bathroom and quickly stumbled, falling hard to the floor landing on her already sore right knee. It was so quick I was unable to catch her or do anything to soften the blow.  After getting her back up and letting her use the bathroom, I tucked her in and said goodnight.

On the way home the oldest texted from her sleepover and asked if I could swing by and pick her up, she didn't feel great. I did and the night ended very noisily. Well, it is time to go and collect the things from various doctor offices so I will close for now.

Maybe I am really just avoiding the clean-up jobs I have waiting for me...


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