Wacky Wednesday and other musings
It is a long week already and it is only Wednesday. I have been encouraged by others to cut my ties with toxic relationships. It is hard to do. I am working on it though. In fact, I have received texts messages that imply that it is becoming effective. Also, I am working a new situation for SIL. DH recently found some property that really checked all the boxes for what we need in a long-term living situation. This resulted in more stress for me as I started researching the "what-ifs". Not necessarily bad stress.
Tomorrow is the deadline for the bids to be placed. At this moment we will not be bidding on the property. If the deadline were 10 days later, we absolutely would. However, it did get the ball rolling for dreams to happen. So, he can keep looking and maybe something similar will appear.
Quick intense update. I cannot just rip the band-aid off of the care situation. I have made progress. My granddaughter is going to go over every Saturday and Sunday night to get SIL meds and tuck her in. That started on this past Saturday. I continued the care with myself going and putting her into bed. Over just these four days I have received 24 text messages related to how things are going and are there any needs and are you mad at me. The last category threw me for a loop, and I inquired about what I did or said that caused her to feel I would be mad. I even asked if something happened that I should be mad about. Radio silence.
Now my care journey begins, I can get SIL tucked up and settled in, pills included, in less than two hours. Hopefully, I will not need any help other than the staff at the facility. It turns out she is in touch with staff there that give her information that they don't even relay to me! Clearly, not HIPAA friendly! Or maybe a better is compliant. It is still progress toward removing wastefulness. I have notified the facility that perhaps there should be a discussion about HIPAA.
We have discussed adding an in-law suite to the house or to the yard. The yard wins. the challenge is getting neighbor approval as we are now considered "zoned" and that is the requirement. Thus, progress on the fence is essential. DH has worked on everything but the fence. I refuse to stress over this, 97 acres I will stress over getting things lined up for, the fence, no.
Late Sunday afternoon a friend of the family offered us an older but good condition mobile home. They suggested it would be good for storage if nothing else. They had used it as an office until the patriarch of the family passed away and they closed their business. In an effort to downsize things on their property, they called and asked if DH could remove it. He went over and assessed the situation and got started putting the axles back on so that it could be pulled away. Talk about an answer to prayer! We had discussed buying her a small mobile home to live in while we had an in-law suite built or found a new place to live for all of us.
It fits the need, and the price is great! Now to get it moved. Inside it is good also! No leaks, no dead mice just a small mobile home needing an occupant and a new driveway. Soon SIL will be back on the property and although that is not going to be much better than it was, it will be okay for the Summer. Fall will bring its own problems.
I will close this post for now and get on with my day. Much to do and too few hands to do it.
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