Roller Skating... maybe?

 Good morning! It is Wednesday and, I am sure you are wondering what happened with bowling yesterday. Bowling did not happen. It turned out the alley was closed for repairs. Not to be thwarted from fun we set out to find roller skates for the kiddos. Finding in this case means used ones. If they take to the adventure, then when they outgrow what we have found perhaps new ones will be purchased.

It took some searching, mostly on the computer for some gently used skates, but we found two pair. In fact, the pair I found for the oldest were brand new in the box never even laced up. Definitely fell into the "gently" used category. The second pair were not as new but still in great shape. Compared to the price of new skates and skate rental prices per session, these were each worth the $20/pair.

Of course, when I add the cost of replacing the kitchen floor and trips to the ER, I may feel differently about the newfound skill. Funny enough the youngest was sad that her skates were black and blue, I resisted the temptation to say better them than you. It was however on my mind. As she mourned the horrible colors her mind drifted to the thinking that her cousin's skates would be pretty and pink or purple. After many "practice" sessions in the kitchen the youngest was in love with her "black and blue" skates.

This morning when Gigi arrived for babysitting, no one was more relieved to see a matching pair of black and blue skates then me. This should be one trip to the rink starting on equal ground. By the end of the day the "friendly cousins" were ready to have a knock down drag out fight. With that we ended our day and went on an adventure to the home front.

one cousin has made a new friend

the other cousin left to skate alone

It started out friendly enough though

hand in hand and careful moves

cold day but warm friendship

All for naught, maybe bowling will go better...


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