How did Bowling go?

 When I was first sent the offer of bowling it was from a friend's daughter. I did not sign up right away, but then I realized summer was fast approaching and I needed more things that were low cost to keep boredom at bay. What I did not realize was that the older grandkids would be left behind while their parents went house hunting out of town. I did not sign them up. Nor did I sign them up for roller skating, but we do have a pool! Back to the out-of-town parents. More like out of state, many miles away, house hunting. The young almost adults have discovered that gramma doesn't cook every day like when they last lived with her. Unless, like gramma, you count baking a loaf of bread as cooking.

Poor kids, to confess, I have made chicken and dumplings, cheesy broccoli soup with homemade bread bowls, and sweet salsa chicken with rice another time. Oh, and homemade pizza, and biscuits and gravy. I feel like I made tacos too, but the kids cannot remember. That could mean that I did or did not make tacos. There are also apples cooking in a crock-pot for applesauce.

I do know that I dried green peppers! That little baby food jar is holding 4 large green bell peppers. Why would I dry them you ask? Actually, I have several recipes that call for them and the neighbor gave me 6 total. Getting 4 of them dried was a process. You can buy them on amazon, of course you can, what can't you buy on amazon? About 4 years ago I did buy some, they were not fire-proof and I paid about $20 for a jar of them. The jar was quite a bit bigger but still these were free. She also gives me onions and celery and cabbage quite often. I dry those too, well not the cabbage. Probably could but I haven't... yet.

Getting up this morning was not fun. Although it was somewhat quiet, only one kiddo is usually awake at 0500, the loudest one but alone she is quieter. Any who, I got up early to do some tasks before we head out to go bowling! Only problem is I checked the bowling alley that we are assigned to and there are no lanes today, free or paid. This is not going to go over well with the kiddos. The sky is overcast also, swimming is not going to be an early morning adventure either. I am not complaining as we need the moisture. That leaves us the library and roller skating for away from home adventures today. Of course, I will keep everyone posted!

 As I post this it should be noted that if you usually hear from me by text or phone... do not hold your breath. For some reason the stupid device is selective in the last two days or so. A little bit might make it out in text form but not much mostly messenger works but not everyone I know uses it. Therefore, if you have not heard from me by text or phone and you go straight to voice mail, please know it is not really on purpose, you have not been blocked or deleted, I am just having technical difficulties at this time. Thanks for your patience!


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