Party Planning Day is here!
Good morning! Today is the day that we must finalize the party location for the youngest kiddo's celebration. She seems to have settled on the same park that we did the older child's party at. It is quite far away but it has plenty of room and playground equipment for the young ones. Three friends from school have given an RSVP. There is also family and my friend with her daughter and four more kiddos. She does not want a Piñata. That means we will have party bags and then games. I am not sure kite flying will work; it might as it is usually windy at that time of day.
Pinata's are easier as then each child is responsible for collecting their own "goody" bag. Not always fair as some kids are quicker to react to the falling candy than others are. This birthday child asked for a tissue paper cake filled with candy and treats but not hanging from a tree like a pinata. Same difference so we will just make goody bags to thank them for coming.
Today my phone revolted, it froze in the middle of the hot day and would not work again, so far. Maybe it will do something later. It is warm in the house as well as outside today. I do love the cool mornings and the quiet when it happens, it just doesn't last. We had the party places narrowed down to two and when my granddaughter arrived today to be babysat, she disrupted the plan. She went to the most amazing park! Just ask her she will tell you all about it.
After 6 trips in and out of the swimming pool (and not one picture by gramma, stupid phone) we settled on the "amazing" park. It is quite a bit cheaper than the original park and closer for most of the folks that are coming. The kids are excited about a zip line, rock climbing and the play area. I am excited that it is closer. The fact that it is also at the other end of the town helps. The park that we go to is very nice but very popular.
Tomorrow we will go look at the chosen park and try out the zip line. Hopefully, before I pay for the time that we will be using it, she will voice any concerns. Perhaps we will pick up anything else we might need for the party. If I remember, we will go to Costco and use that certificate they give each year and get the drinks for the party. I keep forgetting to use that certificate.
Most of the day I worked on prequalifying for a home loan, just in case we decide to relocate. There is a lot that I like about here, but as time goes on, I find more things I do not like. I guess that is going to happen anywhere. It is just getting crowded and liberal.
That is about it for Friday night. I will close and wish everyone a nice and safe weekend!
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