Moving on...

 It is Sunday morning, there is a Fall-like chill in the air. The dogs were up at 0400, one of them had been gagging as if they were about to throw up for some time. Having cleaned up their vomit just yesterday I elected to get up and let them out of the house. Usually, they are out by 5 am but sometimes it is as late as 0630. On those days I have regret as they most certainly have done something naughty. When I put them out on a normal day, I close the doggie door and make them remain out for at least an hour.

Today I did not lock their door. I went back to bed and tried to go back to sleep. Sleep did not want me. When I went to the bedroom, the bigger dogs were at the baby gate. There barking outside that was annoying me, it was a little dog. He was sitting outside the house on the back step. He seemed to "assume" the doggie door was locked. I pushed the plastic door several times and then a big dog went out it. Then the little dog came in, the barking did not stop. Usually, they get a treat when they come back in. We are out of treats. I went back to my room and started tidying up and then sat and read a bit of a book.  The dogs were quiet.

 Apparently, they found a substitute for a treat. I cleaned up the mess and started the rest of my day. As the youngest begged for more screen time, three dogs sat at my feet, I noticed that one was missing. I didn't think much of it. Then the biggest dog started whimpering and wouldn't stop. Nothing I did nor said changed the sound of his whimper. It then dawned on me that there were still only three dogs. When I looked at him and said where is "Bella"? His whimpering increased to a bark, and he got up and was very wiggly. I left to check the bedrooms and the youngest went to the back door to look.

Fully expecting to find the missing dog in my room I was surprised when I did not. I then went to the oldest kiddo's room and opened the door and found the missing dog. The other dogs seemed to rejoice at the sight of the missing dog. Crazy, but they are a pack, and one was "technically" missing. They are happy now, wrestling with each other and running about.

It is time to get ready for other adventures today, so I will close and wish a great day for all.

Sorry for the delay in posting this I thought I did it before I left for service on Sunday.


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