How my weekend became just another weekday

 It started out just like any Sunday, get up get the dogs out, have a cup of coffee. Unload the dishwasher, feed the kids, work on the blog and then get ready for church. After church, the oldest informs me she has a birthday party to go to. I vaguely remember being told of this party around the first of May. Something along the lines of "my friend is going to have her birthday in the summer can I go?" Not once was a date disclosed nor was it mentioned again, until today.

So, as I scrambled to figure out logistics for the party, care for the youngest and lunch meds and bedtime meds at the care center, this kiddo texted to make sure they knew she was coming. Apparently, no one did the RSVP thing, so the parents did not plan a party for other kids. I felt even more awful, as we did not either but in my defense, I was never even shown an invitation. All that said, we now needed a gift. I quickly thought well I will just go get some cash and put it in a card. Nothing says "I forgot your Birthday" quite like cash. Now being a hoarder, I knew I had something in this house that would make a decent gift. Just where did I put it?

By the time we left we had a soap making kit, a frog pop-it fidget toy, an LOL ChapStick, a tin of Aaron's thinking putty and a Military Brat dog tag necklace. Total price for gift? Approximately $17 as each item had been on clearance or at least on sale. The soap making kit was $5, the frog toy $2.50, ChapStick .75, thinking putty $2.87 and the dog tag necklace $2.97. A cash gift would most likely have been $20 and not much fun to open. And all of these things were purchased for such a time as this. I just have not established a gift closet in this house yet.

So, between the un-party and pills at the care center 4 trips were going to be needed at 35miles/trip/one way. This is how my weekend turned into a weekday. I contacted the nurse at the care center, and she stated the SIL did just fine without us yesterday, So I let her know we would not be there today. I just cannot handle that much driving yet with my knee. That decreased us by 140 miles. Then I forgot to get DH any soda. When you don't drink it at home you forget easily.

It would be great if I could say this is the road less traveled. I cannot.


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