bone broth

Wow! I wish I could say I was really impressed with the bone broth... but I can't.  It seems like it turned out the right way in which it gelled but the taste is so blah...  Why would anyone pay $9 a cup for this?  In all fairness I am going to try some of the variations in the book before I bail on this idea.  After all I did make a gallon of it.  And there are three quarts in the freezer!

I just finished bagging up the French onion bone broth and hopefully it will be better than the original... Now on to a better project.. the Christmas gifts for the residents. My five year old and my three year old helped me make 29 rice socks this morning. I had purchased a fifty pound bag of rice and it took almost all of that just to do that many. Now I have to make slip covers for them so that they can stay clean longer.
above PJ places the sock over the canning funnel so she can pour the rice in easier

this is her pouring the rice into the funnel

this is the almost completed pile of 29 rice socks, just need covers
PJ likes the smell of the lavender and decided she should test wear a sock!
Well that's it for today folks got get sewing so I can get to bed!


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