Hoarding, murder and memory trees...somehow none of that seems to connect

Good morning! Here's to hoping for another beautiful day, only warmer.  Someday I will a book. It will be titled "murder at the medallion"  I was finishing my last day off when I received a text message warning me that one of our resident's little dog had been killed by another dog while on a walk around our building, also that the other dog was on the loose. The owner had been found and arrested on unrelated charges. The dog that was killed belong to a beautiful woman who just lost her husband in September and she had been feeling quite under the weather, so her daughter had taken the dog out for her when he was so viciously attacked.  We were all very thankful that she had not been there when the event took place. But with all the sadness going on in the world the last thing we needed was a tragedy for our residents. Bj belong to an independent couple but he regularly visited anyone and everyone he could.  Bj was a miniature Schneider, a picture perfect version. He guarded his "mama" with a fierceness that would rival a lion. His "papa" is probably playing with him in heaven as I write.
We have a memory tree here and someone put an ornament up for him....His "papa" has one too but privacy issues require that I not disclose that. I think the porcelain hearts are so very elegant for the purpose they are being used for....I think I would like to do something similar at home.

I read a couple of other blogs when I get time....so maybe once a week. One is blissful and domestic...at least I think that is what it's called. She has plenty of fun information on there and a lot of cool recipes. Also the peaceful mom is a good blog I am still exploring that one... there is another one that I enjoy too.... well I can't think of it right now but I do enjoy wondering how they do it...blog full time and have kids...but the last blog explained it some what, she has guest writers and such, I think that it's amazing....

What did we mom's do when there was no internet? I personally chased kids around the house and went to the library... or out to my mom's for information.

This week should be transforming for me...I plan to clean out my closet. Scary proposition but as suggested a less cluttered environment will bring a bit of peace so I am going to try...confessions of a hoarder...
And turns out I have no pictures of my closet on this device so you will have to take my word for it


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