Early to rise.....say what?!?!

Sunday, Dec :13
Whoa today started early the littlest one got up at 0130 and started awake till 0407..3 minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off! So now here I am at work trying to stay awake and positive! It can only get better right? When I got home last night I had no idea what dinner was going to be...But a quick look in the freezer above the fridge reminded me there were two Italian sausage patties that I had purchased a while back and the littlest was trying to open spaghetti noodles from Friday's trip to the commissary... So spaghetti it was!! Pj likes to open cans with the electric can opener so going into the pantry is a chore she likes, it means she gets to run the can opener lol! Oh to be thrilled again by simple pleasures...

I felt somewhat productive on arriving home last night, I managed to get the girls dinner, feed the chickens, cleaned the litter box, fed the cats, bathed the girls, vacuumed their room, picked up all the toys, washed two loads of laundry, folded and put away three loads, fed the birds, stacked all the dishes and washed all the bottles and pans....I left the plates and silverware.  And put the girls to bed without a fuss. DH had a men's meeting to go to at the church so he was unable to help... he is searching for a church that had a strong youth department. I agree with that as our church currently has none, well the only kids are ours. So they don't do anything for them unless other kids come.

We have considered starting a home church and that way we can make sure we get them thinking along the right track when it's comes to God. Training a child in the ways of our Lord can only bring good. But I am sure it is the parents responsibility to teach this not a total stranger's. So when my dear husband suggested dropping our two little kids at another church while he continued to go our regular church I about dropped my jaw to the floor! I tried explain that first off most churches do not allow you to drop small kids and leave to go to another church. He assured me he talked to the children's leader about it and that person was fine with it. He also said he had cleared the idea with our pastor....say what!? What pastor is ok with part of their congregation going to another church??? Especially the youngest members?
I was so taken back by this situation I needed to seek counsel from another Christian mother...now! So I texted a trusted friend and co-worker, I am so blessed to work with many Christian women and men and most are strong believers whose counsel is both wise and non judgmental. Thankfully he decided he to respect my wishes and not leave the girls at a strange church.
As my friend said from my heart to God's ears......enough said.


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