Good morning Thursday! Again an early wake up call made by the little ones at an impressive 0330...they slept in! So of course I tried to do the such luck I tossed and turned and thought of all the things I need to do that alone should have made me tired!

But when you live in clutter, relaxation is usually out of reach. So last night I took a picture, this is the messy abode belonging to the little ones, to use as motivation to reorganize and remove excess stuff.

I began by just moving all the stuffed animals out of the room...The ones I could find that is
Then I sorted then into 2 piles, one too get rid of and one to rethink.
To my surprise even when the little ones got up they did not seem upset to see their animals in two piles. Perhaps they are tired of the mess too. Well I asked a question of one of the blogs I read and 8 hours later still have not seen an answer at all, I guess it was a dumb question.  It doesn't matter I trIed the recipe as written. I thought it was too sweet. So I will leave it alone.

I managed to get to the computer repair guy today. It was on my original plans to do today but then I thought I should just leave it till tomorrow since tomorrow is payday and I have to go out for milk anyway. But the littlest angel would not take a nap so into the car seat she went and bada boom, bada Bing, out she went but the three year old stayed awake and whined the whole time begging for a palace pet. Next to shopkins it is the stupidest toy I have ever laid eyes on. My own personal new years resolution is no more letting the kids watch videos on you tube...and it starts now.

To make that resolution easier I cannot find my phone. I just have to lose DH's too and then we are in the clear. The things they can find just amaze me and scare me too. That is why I really want to cut the videos out now.

Years back when I first thought I would blog I had planned to discuss menopause the surprises and all that goes with it from an owner's standpoint. However it has evolved into a blog about surviving toddlers in your fifties... or not! I am not complaining but they are so much faster than I remember my older ones being lol! And the fact that my two older grandkids lived with us for six years doesn't even compare with how different these kids are! It has been 9 months since my daughter and her family bought their home. Some days when I try to clean an area that they used to occupy it doesn't seem that long ago, then when the school bus goes by and I only have one little person to climb on or get seems like forever!
Last week when we went to get the five year old off of the bus my dear little one made a snow angel.... some days the memories just flood then other days they are so busy I cannot remember what we did all day. I would love to be able to home school the two of them but with working full time I do well to make dinner and wash clothes.

I am determined to be out of debt by the time I am sixty...minus my student loan and our first mortgage.  That will be a lot of debt! With that said tomorrow is payday so I better close for now and name my bills so I can account for where my money goes.  Good night and thanks for stopping by!!


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