How does Santa do it?

How much sleep do you really need? If you live in my house not much most nights one or the other or both wake up around one am and stay up till after 0430. I left for work today with both of them awake and ready to play.  I wonder sometimes how I get anything done. Actually I don't get much done even on my days off.  I find myself so tired I get very little a accomplished. Life goes on and so does the laundry...take a day off and see what happens in the laundry hamper!

So Santa dropped a few gifts of in August in case he got snowed in for Christmas but a little person found them.  Then Santa left some other stuff.....again the little person found them. Santa really needs a better plan!

But Santa has to work so coming up with quick hiding spots isn't always that easy.  Even more challenging when small people don't sleep. We try melatonin with them but it only lasts about four hours and then they recharge...not me I just plug along and hope I remember what day it is.

Our community has been rocked over several really sad events the last two days and how people are coping varies greatly.

Now much more will it take for us to stand up for what is right? Sorry if that is a bit off topic Santa is not a terrorist.


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