Holidays drama, and rice socks!

Here it is December 27th and I am still trying to get gifts in the mail! This Happens every year it seems...I have great plans to be ahead is the game but rarely do I actually get there.  In my house I am still trying to get caught up sorting through the chaos of every day life, never mind getting packages out to the post office!

With that said I am finding very hard to resist the after Christmas sales. It is a very good thing I am having to work every day 6-2...or I would probably be out shopping every day! And with January being a no spend month I will be avoiding shopping for extras. I will keep you informed on how that is going...  my youngest of the thirty year olds had suggested that for Christmas next year there be no gift exchanging with do with your own family as you want but that our get togethers be just that..get togethers to enjoy family not count gifts.  I am feeling inclined to agree. I really hate receiving gifts but I love giving gifts!

So in support of my desire to give gifts I made 29 rice socks for our residents, on sock number 23 my sewing machine decided to not sew correctly. With that in mind my husband, bless his heart, started wrapping the "gifts" that were ready. I then pulled out my Avon products and found enough items to finish the "gifts" so that each resident would have two packages under the tree.

This morning one of our residents came to me and said someone must really hate me. I was shocked so of course I asked why she would think that. Her answer made me laugh so hard! They gave me a bag of sand was her reply..I laid it by my window to keep out the cold air.. I then explained that I made that for her it was to warm in the microwave and use on her neck out back our wherever like a heating pad. Or put it in the freezer for a cold pack. She laughed and told me how they used tubes of sand to keep the wind out.  We both laughed and she went on her way. Then another one had no idea what to do with it so I warned out in the mw and brought it to her she was very happy with it.  So I was rewarded for my efforts by the smiles from some very precious people.

I was really surprised at the number of residents that did not know what these handy little things were for! But with a minute or so in the microwave and a quick demonstration they were sold on the value of such a simple gift! Here are some pictures off the ones I made

In the Winnie the pooh bags you can see how I made a flap to fold over like a sandwich bag, on the longer ones, red plaid flannel I just made a simple pillow sheet. 
Well it is late and I am tired so off to bed I go


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