
Noma's birthday came and went. We sent her an edible bouquet... I love those treats! If we lived closer I would have to learn how to make these yummy treats and all the kids would get one at their birthday! We sent a small one because there are just the two of them to eat it. But truthfully I plan to send a large one for Christmas eve they usually have guests and it's their 51st wedding anniversary. I did not make it to their 50th party they had this past summer. The party was planned for the summer so people could travel without the worries of winter driving.  I thought that was very sweet if them.  We forget our parents and their friends are aging even as we are but in our mind we remember them as being younger.  That makes missing a party or a holiday even more sad. I hate winter driving with small kids in car...heck I hate driving when it's just me in car in the winter.

I had to drive in the snow all last week and then on my days off it is quite nice. I am thankful for that because on my days off I have the kids glued to my hip lol... so the last thing I want is to have a bunch of snow to drive through!

Yesterday I cleared an area in the downstairs living room for the Christmas tree to be put up. We still have not put the ornaments on it but there are 21 days left and the kids have time to make lots of paper decorations.

Yesterday we made dough hand prints at my daughter's house they are drying today. I hope they are not too heavy to hang on the tree.
So the grandkids that live close have put in their wish lists and DGD had asked for a retired American girl doll, that actually wasn't hard to find! DGS has asked for wheeled shoes, or a k'nex super hero tower or a transormer robot. Not as easy to find! We'll off to feed the chickens before they devour the cat food!
Then back to the paPer decorations and a cOuple of budding Vanna Whites,
You can just barely see the paper chain they finished to put on our tree! Boy that was a challenge but they did it!  Wow glue sticks were a good invention... now off to Michael's to get a couple of things to practice on before the big day. I watched a video yesterday on how to make chocolate surprise eggs...I just googled that phrase and watched a video...made it look fairly easy and those little treats are expensive so I thought it was worth a chance to try and create some for the holidays.  I have barn getting some at Wal-Mart that come with little plastic animals in them for $2.48 a piece. That does not fit into our pay down budget. I have spent way too much money on them this year already so the plan is to find out how to make something similar.

Well here is a picture of the supplies 
Of course I bought some small animal figures to go inside but they were pricey even on sale and dear daughter open the package and played with them in the car .....sho no taking those back to the store...
So while I took t that picture the three of them did this to my kitchen table
I don't dare snap a pic of the floor or their clothes .....
Then I went to the freezer in the laundry room to get done pizza sauce....and they ran out the front door without any shoes....  now I remember why work is so restful....


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