When Tuesday becomes Friday

It is easy to have Tuesday become Friday, when it is your last day for the work week. Then begins the work week at home. My goal is to declutter a small space in my home. It will be a very small space because that is all I can get done in two days...maybe only half that.

Another goal is to donate the excess stuffed animals around here. If I can get one area done I know I will feel a bit better.

Rise and shine time was 3am so surely something on my list will get done today.  I would like to get up and talk to God each morning but most mornings the littlest is up before the crack of dawn and then the chaos of the day begins...

Frequently I talk to God on my way to work, as this is my best quiet time.  one day  the chance to hide God's word in our hearts will be gone. So I really want to work on that more with and without the little kids hanging on me.  I am looking for inner peace through the quiet time I can glean at two am...except there is not any quiet in this house at that time. And none at 4,6,8, not even at ten am....!!! I don't think I would survive without the noise! It is a no win proposition lol! Or perhaps it is an everybody wins proposition! They need me as much as I need them.

Well enough rambling for now we have 1 hour to get ready for school.and then I think today's project should be their room a tornado hit......well four tornados but two went back home so when one goes to school I will begin....

Perhaps a dump truck is in order....or just a lot of patience ...and energy! I took different angles so I can compare when I am done tonight. As I look at the picture I notice the chains from the ceiling and since you may notice too I thought I should explain... when the room was first setup we did not have all this stuff in it and DH decided to hang the little ones each a swung! It was great until his wife (me) added all the other junk!   I won't be starting on the cleaning until I get back this morning from ft Carson. I plan to go with the littlest and my two older daughters to look for a gift or two.  

While sitting here and watching the local news they have some billboards downtown put up by the American atheists society stating you can skip church and just be good that is all you need...lol!  Well the joke will be on Mr fish in the end. He is going on my prayer list...Perhaps he should be put on prayer chains across the nation and see what the Holy Spirit does with that!

Well thanks for stopping by I need to get busy with life...after all today is Wednesday and I started this post yesterday!


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