How do you, work, raise chickens, kids and still have some sanity at the end of the day?

I am pretty sure the answer is you don't...something has to give. Yesterday was DH birthday and the little ones were on me like white on rice, I did not get to spend any time with him at all besides having a slice of pizza and a piece of cake. So I thought since the little ones got up at 0200 and my hip is really bugging me any way I may as well get up and clean something.
I will start with this pile beside DH chair and then move to the stuff behind the chair. While at work he called me wanting to clean the kids room,  I explained to him that I would get on that first thing tomorrow. He said I needed help with cleaning so I said what about doing the dishes or feeding the chickens? Of course he claimed those items were already accomplished, so I suggested there was certainly something that could be done in the main living areas that I would consider more helpful than their room.  I say this because the little darlings will mess the room back up in 30 seconds flat. And when you let your own space get so messy how can they learn to keep theirs neat and tidy? Thank you.. now to get back to cleaning. I will try to post an after pic later today.


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