Chocolate Syrup recipe and two really good books

A few posts back I said I would post a picture of two of my favorite books both by Jonni McCoy well here they are

These two books are so full of helpful information and some of the best recipes! I know you can find them on eBay and there are newer editions out there but I am partial to the editions I have. This is where the chocolate syrup recipe that I am going to share with you comes from currently Hershey chocolate syrup is $2.00 a bottle at the commissary. I can't speak for Wal-Mart as I have not looked for it there. But as a rule the commissary is a bit cheaper than Wal-Mart on name brand products. Well here goes....

Chocolate Syrup

2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup cocoa powder
Stir these together in a heavy bottomed sauce pan to combine and get rid of any lumps in the cocoa
Stir 1 cup cold water, mixing well, add 1/4 teaspoon salt
Bring ingredients just to a boil over medium heat then take off stove and allow to cool. Once cool stir in 1 tablespoon vanilla. Place in a container suitable for the refrigerator, use as you would Hershey syrup. Enjoy!

I hope you find this recipe both easy and worth the time!


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