Chaos, bone broth, chocolate milk powder...yum!!!

Chaos is my middle name, or at least it seems that way... For several days I have not had time to blog, sew, bake or do anything but clean. There are no plans for company for the holidays, I will be working half days for all of them. This will keep me busy each day running the household and being ready for which ever family we plan to visit that day. I know on Christmas day my son in law has invited every one over to visit so we will take the grandkids gifts to them that day. This is their first Christmas in their own home so it will be special for all of them. And it will be our first Christmas without them in a long time! I think Christmas eve we will go see Genny and Renee after I finish at work. Then we have Glenn and Mary to visit, also I imagine church at some point...after all of this our two little ones have been promised Christmas eve will be the day they get to open their gifts. Not the tradition I had growing up but since I work the next morning it may be a good idea. Time will tell.

I can say putting the gifts under the tree is not a good idea right now as the three yo thinks she should unwrap whatever is under I had to tell her Santa took what was there back to the north pole because mommy was yelling too much and if she didn't stop she wouldn't get anything for Christmas. Surprisingly that worked! At least I could stop guarding the tree and get some work done!  I still have so much to do it isn't even funny but I have accomplished so much also! I truly have a mountain to still move but a few of the foothills are chipped away at making things look much better.

How I have collected so much stuff is amazing to me. But even more so, why I hang to it?! After four days of not blogging I would think I would have so much to share but when most of my time was spent cleaning, and sometimes just repeating the cleaning I had just finished, I can honestly see why I have very little to say this time. I was so busy doing what needed to be done I had little time to complain...and that's a good thing!

I did get busy making some bone broth to try. But I had to leave for work and I was not comfortable leaving it to simmer while I was gone. HoPefully pulling it back out and reheating will be ok...if not well back to the drawing board.
I just realized maybe I could have used the roaster to make this if this fails I will try again. I have read that it is great for weight loss and healing too. Right now any good item that might help my joints is worth looking into. I tried to take a pain pill but it gave me such hallucinations and made me so nauseated I can't even fathom taking another. So bone broth I will try.

Well I had my computer tower cleaned up this past week....not sure I should have because I do not get time to use it. But I prefer the tower for "paperwork". Taxes and such. I intend to get all my debt caught up and paid off by this time next year...I know it sounds impossible but I believe I can do this.  Since my daughter and I both agreed to make January a no spend month any savings can be put to debt reduction. Plus I asked dear hubby how much was in our emergency fund....only $100. That is pitiful. If we truly have an emergency we are in for it.  And on top of that nothing I listed on eBay sold in the last two months...luckily there is no charge but still the idea is to de- clutter and try to earn a dollar or two to pay off debt. At that rate I would be better to work more and just pay the difference in taxes. It takes time to list all that stuff, give good descriptions and try to price shipping fairly. Take decent pictures....all in all if it doesn't sell then your time could have been put to better use.

Tonight dinner is very yellow not on purpose but that is how it turned out

Right down to the flatware lol! Oh well perhaps tomorrow I can be more colorful...
Tonight I also had to make chocolate milk mix (like nestle quick powder), and chocolate syrup (like Hershey  chocolate syrup). Both are incredibly easy to make and cheaper than store bought. Here are the recipes:

Chocolate powder for hot drinks:
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup granulated sugar
Pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients in an airtight container (I use an empty Gatorade drink powder container) put the lid on tightly and shake to mix well. I keep a teaspoon measuring soon in the container and I shake before each use. For 8 ounces of milk I measured two teaspoons more or less to taste.

So this is what it looks like and the container I keep it in. It seems to be the right size to be able to shake easily and it lasts about a week with our usage. I also made chocolate syrup but I will save that recipe for tomorrow's post.
Good night!


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