it's Friday!

Boy what a day! The little ones really slept in!! The first yell for mommy did not happen until 0430! I felt like I must be on vacation... with a nanny to boot. With that refreshing extra sleep I got up and made pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon.  The kids were not impressed with the cheese in the eggs... funny thing is when I make breakfast burritos I use the same cheese and they love it. No matter they only eat what they want most days anyway.   So with the chickens fed and my list made we headed to town the first stop was the Bx to pay my military Star card and see if they had anything that might work for the little ones to give their cousins for Christmas... the girls went crazy adding things to their wish list.  Luckily they are at an age where I can say yes I will put that on your list and let Santa decide what he can get for you and it works.
This will be a really quick post as I work very early tomorrow and I am exhausted from babysitting and trying to come up with new things for dinner.  I wish I had taken pictures of the dinner prep and the result. It was quite good and  do not like vegetable lasagna as a rule. I spent 37 dollars at the commissary on what we needed for the dinners for the next two weeks. I am really trying to use what I have on hand and limit what I buy for the next month.

One of Dear hubby's favorite foods is Stouffer's chicken lasagna. We used to get it at the commissary quite regularly.  However it has been at least a year since we have seen it there. I keep my eyes open at the other markets in town but I have yet to see it anywhere. So the only solution I have is to try and make it myself. So after slaving away at making homemade chicken nuggets and fries for the little ones I decided to try my hand at the lasagna after all I had noodles and cheese and I bought carrots, yellow squash, broccoli (because DD licked it in the store) lol what she was thinking is beyond me but I scolded her and purchased the licked piece and  it was a good thing she licked it, I needed it for the lasagna!
I also had half a jar of Alfredo sauce left from the last pizza I made plus another in the pantry. So I grabbed a chicken breast out of the freezer and put it on to cook with a bit of seasoning, and the noodles in a skillet to boil. Then I tried to find a video I could watch with three screaming kids... internet not happy with me so I just started reading what I could find and then winging it with what I had... it turned out really good!!
The conclusion was that I can stop looking for the frozen lasagna and make this version occasionally😊

Good night..


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