Lay offs, clutter, no spend month...yikes!!

Yesterday our supervisor came to us to let us know that census is low and hours will have to be cut back. You could have heard a pin drop while she was in the room but as soon as she left panic was running wild. This morning a quietness gripped report that could be described as mournful. Then the whispers started and next thing you know the "what ifs" took over. As they worried and mumbled I tried to assure them it was just till census picked up. But you can't always predict what will happen and some folks just cannot "wait" they must know what will happen next. This next month should be interesting.

Now back to the chaos that I call home. I was tired last night so I really was glad till have two crock pots full with something the family could have without much work on my part. One had northern beans, onions and ham hocks and the other chili on the less spicy side. The two kids opted for cereal lol. They are a little picky.  I wish I had taken a picture of the two crocks full! Alas I did not so you will have to take my word for it. It was nice!

I am looking forward to January and getting started on a "no spend" month. We have write as bit of consumer debt tho get rid of and holding off on spending should free up a little cash to put towards the debt. Also I plan to make blankets for next year Christmas presents...I actually am excited about that too! Now to find the time and organizational skills to pull this off.  And with our hours being reduced I may find time to do all those little annoying projects that have fallen by the way side.

And then again I will have to make a lot of progress on De-cluttering and getting my financial life in order. Also my material life all the things I have trouble letting go of will have to be dealt with.  Now the right of all of this has made me very tired....good night blog


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