
Showing posts from January, 2018

Ugh! The smells.... the font fight

The font fight again! Finally the right part has been located for the downstairs furnace.  Now the fun begins... connecting the gas line. This part always makes me a nervous wreck.. I can smell the least little escape of gas of course this is a good thing because DH cannot smell it all. So my job is to smell and worry and smell some more. I am good at my job. But tonight the smell is lingering a bit too long for me. I don't mind not having heat down here... it isn't that cold. The fireplace can be started and yes the smoke smell makes me nervous but not as nervous as the gas smell :)  I sometimes chalk the nervous bit up to him being a bit of a daredevil and taking unnecessary risks. Like flying a helicopter upside down... hey I don't care if he took first place in England in '86.  Some things just aren't worth the risk! Okay so there's no helicopter involved right now. But there is a history of buzzing the house, running without checking the fuel, and other...

Looong week

This has been another long week :( Not sure if it is me or just the world that is off... Nope it's the world... my car is right side up.... just sayin' Not so pretty lights... you cannot even see the mountain   Glad I am not having that kind of day!!! I need to go out to the chicken house and see what "gifts" my girls may have left for me.  Always fun to find fresh eggs!  Or a stray snake... but it is too cold for snakes so maybe it will be eggs! Thank goodness for technology or at least I think I feel that way... could change if I cannot get my printer to work or the fax machine. The little girls just came and asked if they can get into the bath... that could be scary. I can picture floods and baby alive floating over the side and down the steps. But it is Tuesday... probably a week from the Tuesday that I started this post... Good news and Bad news There were 10 eggs today!  Say that would be 5/6 of a dozen... I think.. I digress the ...

Ice, Ice Baby!!!

Good Morning world and other concerned parties ;)! You really have to love road conditions that make you feel as if you are trying out for the ice capades lead skater. Or a forecast that says patchy ice instead of patchy dry areas :(. All said and done I made it to the city and those roads are pretty good. Be careful what you wish for. I am pretty sure I just lamented about not being on the cart any more and how I missed it... well here I am passing pills and going to meetings!  Oh yay! Now I get to do laundry for the independent residents and some of the skilled ones...going to be a long day! 8 loads done and only four to go. Hmm somewhere in this mess I have to go pick up a new phone.. mine has had a major meltdown :( But now I get to choose something else I might like..did I mention I am not good a choosing thins? My history of bad choices should support that...

end of the day...sort of

It has been busy day for 4 out of 5 kids! Outside, inside, outside, inside... melting muddy snow! Lots of hot cocoa today, half a gallon so far. Dinner is ready but they are screaming for more snow ice cream They enjoyed the trampoline even in the snow....  Hard to stand in it... lots of falling down!  Good to get out even if you freeze your tush off!!  Not a ton of snow but enough to have a good time soon it will all be gone :(  Breakfast was good!  Eggs, potatoes and lots of wood to keep warm!  Warm, warm, warm! This should last for at least through the night tonight! The roads are pretty rough according my daughter who came out to get of kids, their district almost never cancels classes so she felt it best to challenge the drive... she qualifies it as a sheet of ice most of the way... ugh! I really dislike driving in the ice and I am not that fond of snow either but it is fun if you don't have to work.  With ...


It is too early to be up :( The last grandkid fell asleep after midnight and that's when little miss woke up.. She was sleeping on the floor in her room and the only boy in the sleepover group took her bed.  That went over like a lead balloon! She keeps begging to sleep in the baby's pack and play, so I offered to let her sleep in there...nooooo way! So I tried the come sleep on momma's bed routine she just stood there crying. So I picked her up put her in the bed and informed her that if she woke the baby, who was sleeping in the pack and play in my room, I would not be happy. At 0300 she almost fell hard asleep. She was fitful before that but at least quiet. At four thirty or so my grandson started wandering the house, just hanging out, enjoying the quiet of being the only one awake. I was only semi-conscious and frankly if he isn't trying to get my attention then he must be fine. At 0640 the day begins because little miss is awake therefore everyone should be awa...

Slings are for sissies....

This has been another crazy week. In looking back, it might have been better to just go back to bed and start over next week... I mean really just today I tried to get to work early... didn't happen. I tried to get to an appointment early... didn't happen. I tried really hard to be on time to the appointment... didn't happen. What did happen you ask? A fire drill at the precise time that I should have been walking out the door for the appointment.  I should have brought a phone charger to work (but I thought that I had left one here).  Lots of things should have happened but didn't.  I did get to the appointment just as they were calling Cheif Reed... talk about stroke of luck timing! I was blessed on that one because I had already missed one appointment last week for the same thing. So we do the usual screening tools.. B/P 164/94...what!?!?! In my defense a lot had happened and I did have to run to make in the correct area of the building in time.  After the provi...

Winter storm....

Time to get stuff ready for the big storm! Firewood is in, all the blankets are washed, snowsuits and boots have been located... just in case. Mittens are stockpiled and the last task that I can think of is to clean out the wood burning stoves.  All the grandkids are over waiting with high hopes that snow will in fact appear!  So do I because I will push them all out the door as soon as it starts!! The other perk would be snow ice cream!! I don't work until Monday so who cares if it snows!! And I bought snow tires!!! It would be nice to have some snow for them... well actually I don't really need snow. Cookies just came out of the oven and the little monkeys smelled them from outside... too funny. Now I know how to get them in the house in a hurry :) As I hung the last load of laundry outside the wind from earlier had all but disappeared so I figured on the towels being a bit stiff, but as I watched the kids on the trampoline from the window... the laundry started flap...

Know it's bad when....

Barbie needs her own room... just for her accessories Paw Patrol has taken over the second floor main bathroom Lego is the cause of middle of the night foot injuries... to adults (how do kids miss those?) Dinosaurs have more floor space per foot than people.. And last but not least there are enough puppy in my pocket and kitty in my pocket to cover a regulation size air hockey table... And that doesn't even account Baby Alive and her accessories!!! I think two little girls have way too much. It is funny how they go through phases of playing with only one group of toys or another rarely integrating different themes. I started tonight with leftovers for dinner on arriving home.. there was no helium in that lead balloon. But it is necessary to clean the girls' bedroom so that I find their beds.  Those beds are here somewhere and I might find if I devote at least 28 hours each day for the next two weeks. And in two minute flat little miss decided she could empty three baskets...

It's freezing out there!!

I left work and I felt like I went to the artic pole!! It is so cold outside tonight. But I made it home and found my phone and plugged it in to charge. It is cold here too but the fire helps tremendously.  I did not get to leave my work today at all until time to leave for the day.  And even then I should have stayed but things have get done at home also.  Tonight we are having loaded baked potato soup...I know had planned leftovers from yesterday but I loooove soup on a cold day and I really wanted to get creative with my instapot.  Later I will throw some beans in the crock pot to soak so I can cook them in the instapot and then put them in the freezer for quick meals the rest of the month. Forgive me, I cannot concentrate I cannot reach someone more precious to me than anything ...I will continue this post later..


I am totally amazed! I found my way into the blog this morning on my iPad! It only took 40 minutes!!!! This morning started out early, nothing unusual in that but... I forgot to tell the staff at work that someone called bad.  Phone calls and texts were made but no takers. That means it is my turn to go in... forgot to do that too (insert a sad face here).... I received a phone call at 0630.  That is the first time I thought about needing coverage since sending out all the text messages and phone calls yesterday. So apologies went out and the search begins again this morning... finally. A taker! So I ended up getting Sunday off after all but then that lead to a complete emotional breakdown for me... I just lost it.  The kids were crying, I started crying things just downhill from there.  I rebounded and all was well until this morning... I got up to turn the sun on and get the baby home.  Dressing went ok my shoes match each other... and then I ar...

Moving on... while waiting

It is already almost the middle of the month! Tomorrow is the baby shower for our great-granddaughter :) It seems just yesterday Destiny was graduating highschool... Well here goes I am going to try to make her a diaper trike.. similar to a diaper cake.  By the time I am done it may resemble a diaper mudpie...  This is a weekend of "make" we are out of chocolate syrup, popsicles and fudgesicles and laundry soap. It is time to get busy. My daughter finished the cake for the party it is a belly cake, not my favorite but extremely popular these days.  The picture isn't as good as seeing it up close but with my phone it is the best I can do for today. I think I should start a fire down here before getting too involved in all these projects.. my fingers are freezing. But then again I only have 30 minutes until I need to head to work to counsel a staff member. Oh the joy of it all... I was able to keep the patient from driving any cars the first two days... I call th...

Day after and then some...

It is the end of the day after surgery and my day was filled with meetings and projects that had a deadline of yesterday or so it seemed.  We will postpone the target practice scheduled for tomorrow morning's stand up meeting. Too many more hours of stress planned for the next few weeks...  We might have to plan it for the EOM.  You know that phrase that used to mean something? I tried real hard to leave about 1530 that didn't happen. I even sent my required email to the IDT stating that I was leaving in just a few minutes.  Then I sent another email and then another.... I called two doctors, took three phone calls, met with two different families and once my head stopped spinning I grabbed my bag and headed to the elevator only to realize I left my phone in the office. How do you strategically go back in there and retrieve a phone?  You know they will see you... Well I have to reach people so I risk it and head back in.  I call home and alert them ...

surgery day!!!!

This morning came bright and early with a long day ahead waiting for  an afternoon surgery.  The phone rings at 0800, it's the surgery center wondering if the patient had anything to eat after midnight... no in fact the patient had not had anything since noon the day before.  Personally I wasn't sure how he would make it the whole day but that was just me. The voice on the phone said great! How soon could he be there?.  So the day began... a balmy 45degrees outside and two kids to dress, feed and cart off to a babysitter.  The intended victim headed off before us and we got everyone in the car and started to town by 0900. I arrived at my daughter's home and unloaded all the gear for a great day of playing with things that couldn't possibly be left at home for 8 hours... (side note: those items are still at her home and it is 2110).  I took time to make sure blankies and sippy cups and favorite cereal and apple juice were all delivered.  Wished my d...

20 years and the curtains still aren't hung...

Curtains are not that easy to figure out.  At least not for me and it's considerably worse when you have no clue what you want. When I first arrived here in Colorado of course I rented an apartment (townhome they called it) It was a three bedroom apartment.  It had window coverings already so no big deal... especially since I couldn't believe this was where I landed after Virginia.  Most of my enthusiasm for Uncle Sam and his so called wisdom vanished on arriving at Fort Carson. Trying to be a good soldier I drove on down through the B-street gate only to see many soldiers moving rocks around and pulling up grass.  Why would anyone pull up grass? I registered at the welcome center and learned that I would be with 4th CAB.  I then drove to the airfield to meet my new unit.  They were friendly enough no females, but friendly enough. I wanted to make sure I would not be stuck in some office just because of my gender.  I tried to be grown up but deep d...

almost the big day... 1st surgery of 2018... in case you're keeping score this year!

Here we go again.. with the font fight.  Tomorrow is surgery day, I think we are ready, well as ready as we will ever be these days.  DH just informed me that the pharmacy restocked his medication and now he has to order it again... he is very frustrated.  He said it's the proplol one that you said take three times a day.. metoprolol?! That is half a pill once a day sheez... this might explain b/p's of 68/38?!  Oh boy now to figure out what he is really taking... and get that straightened out.. no wonder he can fall asleep like that or fall down the stairs or drop food for no reason!!! OH I almost forgot to say this...I have made a decision on the salary thing.. actually my boss made the decision and everyone who knows me... knows I follow the rules to a "T"... NOT! I am going to log my time for one month and see how things go and then make my part of the decision even though he has made his mind up. I am going to have fun tomorrow!  Of course all will b...

Who hid the piano???

I really don't like fighting for font it seems every time I sit to write a post the font wants to become microscopic. I have a devil of a time to enlarge it... Old eyes need bigger to be able to see what they are typing lol!  Today was another rare day in the life of.. you guessed it.. me!  I received a text from a former co-worker that moved to Tennessee.  Caught me off guard but not nearly as off guard as other recent surprise messages  but that's another story for another day.  I thought she was texting to say she was moving back here... I got excited!  But no just catching up on the latest gossip around the henhouse... I forgot to ask her if she has any chickens.. Tonight is bath night and the little monkeys did not want to get in the tub and they were filthy! But eventually I won and in the tub they went. Usually I take that time to tidy up their room and catch a show on television that isn't rated for kids under five... not tonight.  Tonight I ...

Just when you think everyone is feeling better............

Today did not start out like a normal Sunday... but then again I wouldn't call my life normal any day.  I had all intention of getting the girls up early and getting baths since we did not get them bathed last night and they like Sunday school... not so much junior church though.  It was a rough night, tiny one is teething and little miss is getting more and more clingy.  Usually I can put them both to bed and she doesn't come looking for me until about 0200. Here lately she is wanting to sleep in our bed or have me sleep in her bed or anything to make sure I am close by at night. But that is not why today was unusual... DH had a hard time waking up first off and that is unusual for him to sleep past 0730 on Sundays.  Any other day I am usually gone so I don't know what time he really gets up but if the girls are awake I generally wake him so they are not "unsupervised" and I use that term loosely LOL. They generally are watching him. But today all three girl...

Updates....Or forget posting, your computer is waaaay behind so sit tight for 2-3 days...

So when life gets busy the first thing left behind is this blog.  Sometimes it is left behind because I can't find my way out of a wet paper bag with a pre torn hole. Other times it is because for some unknown to me reason, I have to turn off that net gear thing and then turn it back on... and then wait to see if it is happy.  It is happy for the moment.  It has come to my attention that a certain furry feline has taken to climbing onto the kitchen table... how, with as much clutter that is still on it from the holidays, is a mystery to me.  But the thing  that really concerns me is that my cup of cold water is on that table as I type... it has me wondering did she or did she not take a drink from my cup? She is sitting with her back to me and casting a glance my way as if to suggest that it would be beneath her to even consider it.  So do I continue and drink from said cup or get up and get myself a new drink?  If it were vodka I would be able to t...

Happy New Year!! Or here we go again....

As much as this blog is a sounding board for me it is also away to escape chaos if only for a few minutes when I can.  Right now Pepe is... well was working on phonics and writing her two least favorite subjects.  She loves to read and that's great!  Personally I think if a child can read they can do anything... of course they need math and stuff too but reading helps all the way around. So back to the is vs. was she decided to wrap a gift for Gramma Twilight. Part of her writing assignments this year as well as last year is to write a pen pal.  Her pen pal was ignored most of last year.  It is a new year so new goals.  For a moment I had an almost genius thought.  Almost because I am sure it has been done before.. she hates to write because it is not a neat process partly because she is hyper and partly because she has "low tone".  She cannot grasp a pencil like most kids her age, her fingers bend too far backwards. And the concept of a finger ...