Slings are for sissies....

This has been another crazy week. In looking back, it might have been better to just go back to bed and start over next week... I mean really just today I tried to get to work early... didn't happen. I tried to get to an appointment early... didn't happen. I tried really hard to be on time to the appointment... didn't happen. What did happen you ask? A fire drill at the precise time that I should have been walking out the door for the appointment.  I should have brought a phone charger to work (but I thought that I had left one here).  Lots of things should have happened but didn't.  I did get to the appointment just as they were calling Cheif Reed... talk about stroke of luck timing!

I was blessed on that one because I had already missed one appointment last week for the same thing. So we do the usual screening tools.. B/P 164/94...what!?!?! In my defense a lot had happened and I did have to run to make in the correct area of the building in time.  After the provider did her thing and all was settled I pointed to the score and told her what had happened on the journey to the office and she retook the pressure 130/72 much better even though it was still high.

Now it is time to get a new phone! On the way back from town tonight the texting function is malfunctioning.  I have tried to send multiple texts out but nothing will send...hmm. I am receiving them just fine and phone calls are coming through just fine...I don't get it. But if the snow storm does not appear then perhaps I will venture to town and seek out a new phone. If it does snow, well I guess email will be my friend lol! I thought something was odd when it quit downloading my work email and then both of my personal emails... but the tech guy at work did mention that my designer screen might eventually affect the function of the thing.

I told him when that happens I would just go naked (without a phone that is)!  He seemed to think that I would not be able to do that... he might be right but you just never know!!  Oh well time to change the fish filters and cover the birds up for the night.   


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