Day after and then some...

It is the end of the day after surgery and my day was filled with meetings and projects that had a deadline of yesterday or so it seemed.  We will postpone the target practice scheduled for tomorrow morning's stand up meeting. Too many more hours of stress planned for the next few weeks...  We might have to plan it for the EOM.  You know that phrase that used to mean something?

I tried real hard to leave about 1530 that didn't happen. I even sent my required email to the IDT stating that I was leaving in just a few minutes.  Then I sent another email and then another.... I called two doctors, took three phone calls, met with two different families and once my head stopped spinning I grabbed my bag and headed to the elevator only to realize I left my phone in the office. How do you strategically go back in there and retrieve a phone?  You know they will see you... Well I have to reach people so I risk it and head back in. 

I call home and alert them that I am on the way and that I need to stop and get milk.  As I go in to the store and think about what I want to make for dinner I have to realize it will after 6 before I even get home much less start the meal.  I then wonder why didn't I put something into the crock pot this morning?  Oh yes I was trying get out of work early so this would not be an issue. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will be shorter one... cuz I'm tired lol!

The good news is no one fell down today and the pain level is tolerable :) Time to pay bills.


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