20 years and the curtains still aren't hung...

Curtains are not that easy to figure out.  At least not for me and it's considerably worse when you have no clue what you want. When I first arrived here in Colorado of course I rented an apartment (townhome they called it) It was a three bedroom apartment.  It had window coverings already so no big deal... especially since I couldn't believe this was where I landed after Virginia.  Most of my enthusiasm for Uncle Sam and his so called wisdom vanished on arriving at Fort Carson.

Trying to be a good soldier I drove on down through the B-street gate only to see many soldiers moving rocks around and pulling up grass.  Why would anyone pull up grass? I registered at the welcome center and learned that I would be with 4th CAB.  I then drove to the airfield to meet my new unit.  They were friendly enough no females, but friendly enough. I wanted to make sure I would not be stuck in some office just because of my gender.  I tried to be grown up but deep down I wanted to cry... nothing but dirt all around me. 

Then I met my preceptor, he was from Wyoming and he tried hard to point out the beauty of the this place.  My first order was to follow SPC Cook where ever he went.  I did. He made me leave the men's room the first day.  Rejection on my first day.  I was only following a direct order from the platoon leader who seemed very disgusted that he was blessed with a soldier that brought a little dolly to carry her tool box. It was very helpful since that toolbox weighed close to fifty pounds! But I digress, when I asked where the female latrine was I was met with a blank stare.

So what was the problem with me following Cook into that latrine? I had no problem sharing the men's room, just so you know.  The latrine I was looking for was located in the Hangar up the road.  He kindly took me there and then I knew where to go and you know what they say.. knowing is half the battle. It did present the problem that if I am up the road then how do I follow Cook around? Thus ended my first duty day at Fort Carson. Stayed tuned there are lots more duty days to come!

For now though, fast forward 23 years to our January Birthday party.. while waiting for the guests of honor to arrive in the Hollywood room I started to share how DH had fallen down the stairs last night and how concerned I was that he was not answering the phone. Plus with all the meetings we had today and my phone dying he may have tried to reach me... After all the doctor doing rounds had been trying to reach me and couldn't locate me.  About that time the activities manager piped up and said didn't he just fall off the roof not too long ago? And didn't you just tell me about him falling asleep in the car in your yard? She then turned to the social worker and said I need you to contact the VA I think she trying to kill that man... she is drugging him so he sleeps and falls down!

I am not trying to kill him... it just looks that way some days lol!  Actually I wish I knew what was going on because he has me baffled.  But that is where this post is going... baffled why has it taken 20 years to figure out what curtains I want to put on the windows?  The only thing I can figure out is that this is not the end of the trail... you only hang curtains when you are done.  I just know I am going to wake up one day and discover I never actually left the Army and they are going to send me to somewhere crazy!!!!


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