It is too early to be up :( The last grandkid fell asleep after midnight and that's when little miss woke up.. She was sleeping on the floor in her room and the only boy in the sleepover group took her bed. That went over like a lead balloon! She keeps begging to sleep in the baby's pack and play, so I offered to let her sleep in there...nooooo way! So I tried the come sleep on momma's bed routine she just stood there crying. So I picked her up put her in the bed and informed her that if she woke the baby, who was sleeping in the pack and play in my room, I would not be happy.
At 0300 she almost fell hard asleep. She was fitful before that but at least quiet. At four thirty or so my grandson started wandering the house, just hanging out, enjoying the quiet of being the only one awake. I was only semi-conscious and frankly if he isn't trying to get my attention then he must be fine. At 0640 the day begins because little miss is awake therefore everyone should be awake. Must stop child...UGH I can barely move.. But it is move or have all 5 kids up and hollering!
I, of course look at my cell phone and find that I have 6 new messages. Wow that's a lot for a Sunday morning. So I try again to respond to one of them, still no texting out. One message is a request to come in to cover a nurse on the first floor. So I try to text that one back and it won't go. I tried turning phone off and leaving it off and then back on... nope! Well if it doesn't start working by tomorrow then I guess I will have to make a decision. But on with the day!
There is enough snow to make snow ice cream! So young man goes out and gathers snow.. clean snow that is. Need to start training him now to be the hunter, gatherer of the group to make sure there is food lol! It is time to make breakfast so I am thinking breakfast burritos. So I will post this... oops baby's awake.
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