Looong week
This has been another long week :( Not sure if it is me or just the world that is off...
Nope it's the world... my car is right side up.... just sayin'
Not so pretty lights... you cannot even see the mountain
Glad I am not having that kind of day!!!
I need to go out to the chicken house and see what "gifts" my girls may have left for me. Always fun to find fresh eggs! Or a stray snake... but it is too cold for snakes so maybe it will be eggs!
Thank goodness for technology or at least I think I feel that way... could change if I cannot get my printer to work or the fax machine. The little girls just came and asked if they can get into the bath... that could be scary. I can picture floods and baby alive floating over the side and down the steps.
But it is Tuesday... probably a week from the Tuesday that I started this post...
Good news and Bad news There were 10 eggs today! Say that would be 5/6 of a dozen... I think.. I digress the bad news is that stupid rooster busted out the light again grrr. at least it didn't land in the straw this time and melt.
So now to find the pliers and go out there and remove the rest of the light bulb from the socket and install a new one. I will close for now as it will be dark soon and I need to do this while there is a bit of light in the barn... couse who knows where the kids put the flashlights this time... kids... chickens....kids....
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