Who hid the piano???

I really don't like fighting for font it seems every time I sit to write a post the font wants to become microscopic. I have a devil of a time to enlarge it... Old eyes need bigger to be able to see what they are typing lol!  Today was another rare day in the life of.. you guessed it.. me!  I received a text from a former co-worker that moved to Tennessee.  Caught me off guard but not nearly as off guard as other recent surprise messages  but that's another story for another day.  I thought she was texting to say she was moving back here... I got excited!  But no just catching up on the latest gossip around the henhouse... I forgot to ask her if she has any chickens..

Tonight is bath night and the little monkeys did not want to get in the tub and they were filthy! But eventually I won and in the tub they went. Usually I take that time to tidy up their room and catch a show on television that isn't rated for kids under five... not tonight.  Tonight I tried to find the piano!
This is what it looked liked and still does somewhere... I left it in the downstairs living room...

Food Porn!

 Goosey, Goosey Gander wither dost thou wander?...Not here anymore after biting me in the tush!!!

OK! Loud noise must go check..... DH fell down the steps.. oh my goodness never a dull moment...


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