Ugh! The smells.... the font fight

The font fight again! Finally the right part has been located for the downstairs furnace.  Now the fun begins... connecting the gas line. This part always makes me a nervous wreck.. I can smell the least little escape of gas of course this is a good thing because DH cannot smell it all. So my job is to smell and worry and smell some more. I am good at my job. But tonight the smell is lingering a bit too long for me. I don't mind not having heat down here... it isn't that cold. The fireplace can be started and yes the smoke smell makes me nervous but not as nervous as the gas smell :) 

I sometimes chalk the nervous bit up to him being a bit of a daredevil and taking unnecessary risks. Like flying a helicopter upside down... hey I don't care if he took first place in England in '86.  Some things just aren't worth the risk! Okay so there's no helicopter involved right now. But there is a history of buzzing the house, running without checking the fuel, and other little things that just make you shake your head and say "and you lived"?

But I have been nervous since I was little.  So I can't rightfully blame him.... I can do it ...just not rightfully lol!

Some times I think "we are grown up now and know better"... and then a new trick is presented to me. I should have a head full of grey hair just based on the last 20 years! But God is good and He gets us through each adventure.  Not sure what He had in mind but here we are. And grey hair is just another color in the tapestry of life :)

It is a really good thing some of my best friends' husbands are firefighters... jus' sayin' not that they could get to us in time but it is nice to know you know one lol. Dinner tonight was just leftovers and I should have done that tomorrow. It is going to be a very long day. Well I think the odor has faded and I can close the doors and windows now at least for tonight.  No more furnace work until tomorrow and then again it may be Thursday before I can be "the smeller".
The littles are ready for bed and frankly I am too... hopefully I can get to sleep quickly and make it last lol!
Good Night World :)


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