Happy New Year!! Or here we go again....

As much as this blog is a sounding board for me it is also away to escape chaos if only for a few minutes when I can.  Right now Pepe is... well was working on phonics and writing her two least favorite subjects.  She loves to read and that's great!  Personally I think if a child can read they can do anything... of course they need math and stuff too but reading helps all the way around. So back to the is vs. was she decided to wrap a gift for Gramma Twilight. Part of her writing assignments this year as well as last year is to write a pen pal.  Her pen pal was ignored most of last year.  It is a new year so new goals. 

For a moment I had an almost genius thought.  Almost because I am sure it has been done before.. she hates to write because it is not a neat process partly because she is hyper and partly because she has "low tone".  She cannot grasp a pencil like most kids her age, her fingers bend too far backwards. And the concept of a finger space between words does not exist on paper for her. 

So I thought she can dictate the letter with prompting, I will write it with marker, and then we can tape it to a light box and she can lay a paper over top and trace it!!! I know cheating a little but it may be enough help to get her past the frustration.

We don't have a light box at present but we have some awesome windows and some tape.. and she is young she can stand to trace the letters!
If I can find a camera or take my phone from the lily monster I will take a picture that someday I will figure out how to post.  This computer is old and it has a mind of its' own.  The new ones have a mind too, but that is a different challenge for me. 
So I fell today which unusual for me. Darn stairs came up out of no where..
Unusual in the sense that it has been almost a month since I have fallen down.  I have several close calls but I have mostly been able to remain upright in my stature.  I don't usually get hurt and I wouldn't say that I am hurt now... but my shoulder is not what I would call happy. That's what you get when you get excited about an idea and think you can hurry up the steps to try it lol!

Okay this is her sometime ago but this is how she is happiest! Messy! Yes every meal looks pretty close to this...

You can kind of see the "low tone" in her elbows and wrists but only if you know what you are looking for would you know it is what it is. Her wrists can bend both ways back to her arms. Looks painful when she does it but she says it doesn't hurt.

This is the house looking into it from the  northeast to the west.  You can see all the perfect for tracing windows with the sun behind them.  We used the ones on the second floor on the west side.  They kind of look like "holes" but is just that you can see through the north side  windows all the way to the west side windows :)
Perfect! Well almost..

It worked but I can't get the picture uploaded :(  But it worked!!! She is happy!

Well I better close it is time for chicken and dumplings.. what is with this underline thing?

Okay so one kid only likes the dumpling part....



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