Ice, Ice Baby!!!

Good Morning world and other concerned parties ;)! You really have to love road conditions that make you feel as if you are trying out for the ice capades lead skater. Or a forecast that says patchy ice instead of patchy dry areas :(. All said and done I made it to the city and those roads are pretty good.

Be careful what you wish for. I am pretty sure I just lamented about not being on the cart any more and how I missed it... well here I am passing pills and going to meetings! 

Oh yay! Now I get to do laundry for the independent residents and some of the skilled ones...going to be a long day! 8 loads done and only four to go. Hmm somewhere in this mess I have to go pick up a new phone.. mine has had a major meltdown :( But now I get to choose something else I might like..did I mention I am not good a choosing thins? My history of bad choices should support that...


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