surgery day!!!!

This morning came bright and early with a long day ahead waiting for  an afternoon surgery.  The phone rings at 0800, it's the surgery center wondering if the patient had anything to eat after midnight... no in fact the patient had not had anything since noon the day before.  Personally I wasn't sure how he would make it the whole day but that was just me. The voice on the phone said great! How soon could he be there?.  So the day began... a balmy 45degrees outside and two kids to dress, feed and cart off to a babysitter.  The intended victim headed off before us and we got everyone in the car and started to town by 0900.

I arrived at my daughter's home and unloaded all the gear for a great day of playing with things that couldn't possibly be left at home for 8 hours... (side note: those items are still at her home and it is 2110).  I took time to make sure blankies and sippy cups and favorite cereal and apple juice were all delivered.  Wished my daughter the best and left.  I arrived at the surgery center close to 1000. DH was being "interrogated" (his words) by the anesthesiologist who happened to be dressed like a Barbie doll.  She was asking who gave him the clearance for this surgery, he thought she meant his by-pass four years ago. I came in during the middle and knew nothing of what was going on.  I just saw how frustrated he was and how baffled she looked. To be cont...

In the end it was figured out and the process continued. Waiting is just that ...waiting.  It eventually came to an end and I had good company to boot!  I have never in the past been able to visit with anyone while the surgery takes place I am getting good at self entertainment but that wasn't needed this time.  Plus the surgery was in the Springs unlike most of them that are done way north of here. I must have control issues lol.

So it was time to load and go... as the nurse walked me out to go get my car.  She just looked at me with puppy dog eyes and said "you're going to have your hands full".  If she only knew the half of it... Our discharge instructions specifically said eat a light meal first and if that stays down have regular food after that. Nope can't do that Carl's Jr for the double cheeseburger, fries and large drink it is!

Moving along the discussion turns to how to get the car that he drove in back home.  My plan, and that never is the right one lol, is I drive him home, get him settled with what he needs and ride back into town with my son on his way to work. His plan, "I need to change clothes and go to wacky Wednesday, then you can go to Mary's house and wait until I'm done and then she can drive the kids and I home and you can follow with the Blazer". So 45 minutes home to get him changed into clothes he wants to wear.  Then it comes time for the pants... he doesn't want to wear sweat pants.  Show him the instructions, gym shorts or sweat pants for the next few days.  He is not happy but gives in.
Back in the car the ramblings of what I can do and where I can stay go on.  He decides I can take him and Pepe to the WW and then after I can go get Mary and she can drive him and the kids home and I can follow in the truck. It is pouring down rain. This plan is not happening.  I head to the truck to get his wallet and the keys. 

When he arrived at the surgery center, rather than taking the keys to the truck and his wallet inside he stuck them in the glove box.  He told me this while he was in pre-op when I asked for the keys so I could move the beast to my work. It was 45 degrees out at that time and no rain. Heck I could have driven it home.  I asked why would you do that? I was coming here anyway why not just give them to the nurse if I didn't make it before he went in. Because he had $200 cash in his wallet and he didn't trust them.  Why would you bring that kind of money to surgery?! I am sure our co-pay is not that high!  But no worries what's done is done. Then he mentions the brakes are getting quite bad.

Back to post surgery, I retrieve his wallet and the keys and take him and Pepe to WW.  Then I call my daughter who is more adventurous then Mary and ask if she wants to help me move the car.  We decide since the rain is not letting up we will take it to her house. This is the daughter whose family lived with us during the almost fire. She is game! We get to the truck she says she will drive it.  Starts right up, I pull out first and I look up she is not behind me.  My phone rings, it seems the windshield wiper flew off the car. I turn around and go to meet her, the rain gets worse, its the passenger side so plan B. Leave the arm sticking up and drive anyway. She get in starts again the brakes go completely to the floor, I can hear the grinding with my windows up.  Plan C, park the car back where it was and try again another day. Go shopping!

So we went to Kroger's, King Soopers out here and bought apples, bananas and oranges. Time to pick up DH and Pepe! We get home about 9ish and get the kids settled the hubby settled and try to figure out what today will bring.  So far it brought a missing husband (he HAD to gather firewood), he dressed himself! Sort of can't take him out in public but he is clothed lol. I brought him in some more firewood. Fed the kids and got schoolwork ready... I still need to get the ash bucket and have it ready for the hot ashes as the stove is pretty full.  10 winter surgeries you would think I would have cleaned the stove out so it would be ready for a shut in.

Now it is way past time for me to get to work... cross my fingers say a prayer and hope I can get back home without too much delay this evening.


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