
I am totally amazed! I found my way into the blog this morning on my iPad! It only took 40 minutes!!!! This morning started out early, nothing unusual in that but... I forgot to tell the staff at work that someone called bad.  Phone calls and texts were made but no takers. That means it is my turn to go in... forgot to do that too (insert a sad face here).... I received a phone call at 0630.  That is the first time I thought about needing coverage since sending out all the text messages and phone calls yesterday.

So apologies went out and the search begins again this morning... finally. A taker! So I ended up getting Sunday off after all but then that lead to a complete emotional breakdown for me... I just lost it.  The kids were crying, I started crying things just downhill from there.  I rebounded and all was well until this morning...

I got up to turn the sun on and get the baby home.  Dressing went ok my shoes match each other... and then I arrived at work.  Where is my cell phone? I know I used it this morning... call home it is the kids are playing with it :( I feel naked yet still tethered to it... explain that!

Oh well I will survive and it will be dead when I get there. Kids twenty thousand dollars worth of toys.... okay maybe not that much but still.. they want the phone! They have their own tablets for pete's sake! Still I feel naked...

So I had a terrible task to do this weekend (work related). But then something else came up and that saved the first one from the certain fate that was about to come. Now it is Monday and the second task has taken priority and caused a ton of paperwork for this writer...

Tonight dinner will be left over crock pot lasagna and salad and some other item yet to be thought of lol... poor family :)

I am missing my Volvo today... I don't know why but I am :(
Gotta love horrible memories!


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