Just when you think everyone is feeling better............

Today did not start out like a normal Sunday... but then again I wouldn't call my life normal any day.  I had all intention of getting the girls up early and getting baths since we did not get them bathed last night and they like Sunday school... not so much junior church though.  It was a rough night, tiny one is teething and little miss is getting more and more clingy.  Usually I can put them both to bed and she doesn't come looking for me until about 0200. Here lately she is wanting to sleep in our bed or have me sleep in her bed or anything to make sure I am close by at night. But that is not why today was unusual... DH had a hard time waking up first off and that is unusual for him to sleep past 0730 on Sundays.  Any other day I am usually gone so I don't know what time he really gets up but if the girls are awake I generally wake him so they are not "unsupervised" and I use that term loosely LOL. They generally are watching him.

But today all three girls were in our room making all kinds of racket and he was sleeping right through it.  He woke at 0800 and asked the time so I thought he was getting up.  I went downstairs switched the laundry made a cup of cream with a splash of coffee. And got cereal ready for the kids.  I returned to the second floor and they were all playing and he was sound asleep again.  The next time he woke it was 0930 and he jumped up got his clothes on for church and he and the oldest headed out the door.  Other things happened in between like lots of crying by the smallest and whining by the next in line but there wasn't anyway I was going to be able to get the three of us ready and out the door for a 1000 service so I stayed home and did yesterdays' chores. I talked with an old friend for a bit and generally relaxed. 

Then it was time to get some shopping done so being unable to locate two matching shoes for the little miss I decided I had multiple choices.  1) I could take her shoeless and make her ride in the basket. 2) I could check with the youngest of the oldest and see if she could play with her daughter until I finished shopping or I could see if any of her shoes were over their house (it does happen). 3) I could meet up with the hubby and see if there were any shoes in his vehicle...(happens more than leaving them at aunties). 4) I could take her to the store and buy another pair of shoes.  See I said there were lots of choices!!

We decided to meet up with the dad and check the car. If that was a fail we would go to the store and buy a pair of shoes.  That's a plan... we met up with the dad. No shoes, headed to the first store opened the trunk of the car and there were a pair of boots... a size too small must have fallen out of the goodwill bag.. but there they were!  So we pulled them on and headed into the store to get what we could from the list.  And we did get each girl a pair of shoes... what would I do with my paycheck if I didn't have these munchkins to spend it on?! You know I don't know.  Anyway four hours later we made our way back out east and unloaded the car got settled and looked for the dad...his car was in the driveway when we pulled in. So we looked and looked, high and low, in the chicken house, the greenhouse even walked around the house because sometimes he falls off the roof or just "hangs" out, literally. Where did dad go? I do not know...
I couldn't find him.. not sure if I should panic or not. I decided to go check his car.
As I approached the car I could see him slightly slumped over... I had a bit of a small panic the closer I got I noted his color was ok and then I banged on the window... long story, door doesn't open from outside without a key.  It took a few minutes but he finally roused enough to ask "Have I been out here all night"?  This is not a good thing.  He had been there since pulling in, all his purchases from the commissary still in the car with him.  He needs me :) even if it is to just tell him when to get out of the car and go inside lol.

Life in this yellow house is never dull.....


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