Moving on... while waiting

It is already almost the middle of the month! Tomorrow is the baby shower for our great-granddaughter :) It seems just yesterday Destiny was graduating highschool... Well here goes I am going to try to make her a diaper trike.. similar to a diaper cake.  By the time I am done it may resemble a diaper mudpie... 

This is a weekend of "make" we are out of chocolate syrup, popsicles and fudgesicles and laundry soap. It is time to get busy. My daughter finished the cake for the party it is a belly cake, not my favorite but extremely popular these days.

 The picture isn't as good as seeing it up close but with my phone it is the best I can do for today.
I think I should start a fire down here before getting too involved in all these projects.. my fingers are freezing.
But then again I only have 30 minutes until I need to head to work to counsel a staff member. Oh the joy of it all...

I was able to keep the patient from driving any cars the first two days... I call that success! Today we had to move the blazer so we did, it is safely home and parked with the other hardly driven vehicles waiting for its' turn on the rack or in the garage which opens up first.  I personally had great plans to change the oil in the Focus that day, it was warm at the beginning and seemed possible but the day wore on and well things change.

Peyton is helping to make dinner this evening. We are having pizza bagels. She is fixing them up with minimal supervision.. that's a big improvement over this time last year... Okay maybe I spoke a bit too soon. Most of the bagels have more than 12 mini pepperonis on them... and the cheese...well let's just go with it is an improvement. there isn't any food on the floor! :)

Chocolate syrup is done, dinner is in the oven and I can make popsicles when I return. Laundry soap is a late night project because it smells like laundry soap cooking lol... doesn't mix well with food! 

I had to include this little cutie pie! Lily knew they were all going in the car today and she thought the baby should have some toys to take with her just in case!

Gotta go for now!


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