Welcome February!

February traditionally has started our birthdays for the year, however Madison changed that by arriving in January. So now there is at least one birthday every month for our family. I am starting this post on the eve of the first of February. The youngest and I went for a walk earlier, just around our yard and now we are about to watch a Barbie video and color a "velvet poster". I will have to get the house in order as tomorrow is physical therapy for DH. For now I will play with the youngest and hope tonight will be the night she sleeps without issue. Well 50 minutes later and my patience has been tested beyond my capacity for this day. Little miss is in the mood to poke fun at people until they get mad. She means no harm but rather it is a ploy for attention. I thought if I gave her my undivided attention it might help. But alas this is just her routine when she is tired. She is up within five minutes of me getting up and that can be anytime after lying down lately. Every ...