Yes dear, it is January...

 This morning I awoke with a startle after a somewhat disturbing dream. In the dream we had moved into a new home... much like real life, the home in my dream was very similar in some of the details. A big difference was the new house was in a wooded area, had grass and was secluded from view. Another strange detail was a railroad track running behind the house, it was not real close, but only a short walk away.

In this dream we were moving in and discussing the sale of our previous home and suddenly we were arguing about it. Maybe arguing is too strong of a word. Anyway I woke up. So maybe I will get to finish the dream sometime. It bothers me to have dreams like this as I believe it has meaning. Someday I will share in the blog a recurrent dream that I had then you may understand my concern.

On to other things, I was looking around this house the other day and decided that room by the entryway, I think the house plans call it a "den", should be my next area to rearrange. Well I went in there and thought I need to dust first. Then I started reflecting on things and it came to mind that the Bible talks about us and dust, you know "dust to dust"?

It was then I realized that I probably should not be dusting as that may be someone I know laying atop that piano... 😏That's a good enough reason for me!! So say what you may about dust in my house... I have my reasons!

I had big cleaning plans for today but apparently my dog had other plans... 

So I will close and focus on the living room instead of the den.
Have a great weekend!


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