Birthday wishes!
Today we celebrated Maddie's first birthday! Definitely a small gathering compared to her older sister's first birthday! It was fun even if it was just two babies and 3 other kiddos (2 of those were mine). Six years ago there were close to 100 party guests for a one year old. I would have to say that apple rolled away from the tree when it comes to introvert versus extrovert on the party scale!

Both babies turned one so there was a "photo shoot" set up for the guest of honor and her guest! A good time was had by all. Even the three big kids enjoyed watching the babies get their pictures made. The babies were not as keen on the idea but hey when they grow up they will appreciate it I am sure.
Well I am exhausted. I have had about 30 minutes of "alone" time. It has helped. Now maybe I can go through emails and snail mail and get caught up. Also, I plan to turn in early! Really I do...
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