2021.... What if it's not any better?

Symbolically we left 2020 in the dust... but have you heard the old adage "be careful what you wish for?" Like most everyone I mentally made notes of how this new year will be different for me. Each year I try to keep myself accountable for the "resolutions" I devise. This year will be no different in that way. I think we all feel that it will be a bit better, I mean really, could it get worse? 

In lots of ways it could but I won't go into detail for many reasons. For the most part 2020 was no worse than any year for me personally. In some ways 2019 worse. We lost our home and everything in it, I quit my job due to hostile working conditions, I lost patients for absolutely no good reason, I lost a friend and many other crazy, stupid things happened. 2020 just kept it all going.

Many times I was sure I had lost these...

Turns out they were here in this box all along...
I am going to do my best to keep track of them and not lose any this next year. That may mean not really making resolutions as much as just setting goals. For next week it is going to be a goal of getting school work done each day. No set quota, just some! For tomorrow it is getting #10 in the tub! She hates getting in the bath... I do not understand why but she does.

As much as I need to be better at blogging I am going to have to cut this post short. I mean it took all day to find my marbles... I am exhausted! On a lighter note ... I GOT THE DIME!


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