Welcome February!
February traditionally has started our birthdays for the year, however Madison changed that by arriving in January. So now there is at least one birthday every month for our family. I am starting this post on the eve of the first of February. The youngest and I went for a walk earlier, just around our yard and now we are about to watch a Barbie video and color a "velvet poster".
I will have to get the house in order as tomorrow is physical therapy for DH. For now I will play with the youngest and hope tonight will be the night she sleeps without issue. Well 50 minutes later and my patience has been tested beyond my capacity for this day.
Little miss is in the mood to poke fun at people until they get mad. She means no harm but rather it is a ploy for attention. I thought if I gave her my undivided attention it might help. But alas this is just her routine when she is tired. She is up within five minutes of me getting up and that can be anytime after lying down lately.
Every day there is something new that the dogs have chewed to pieces today is no different, other than this time it is their own toy thankfully. My patience is thread bare this evening. I did finally get my tail lights put in. I was much disappointed when I started to do it and I noted that on the right side of the car the screws had been removed and never returned. DH actually claimed responsibility. Which makes no sense. I asked where the screws might be if he did do it. No idea.
But it is done that is what matters. When I went to look for a T-30 driver it was obvious I would have to get a drill as the screws on the left side were so tight I could not remove them. This put DH on high alert. Apparently I am unable to use a tool of this magnitude. That was when he asked which side needed replacing. When I stated that the first side was done I just needed to do the left he needed to "check" to see if I had done it correctly.
I should have found it funny but... I didn't. He wouldn't let me have the drill so I let him take the screws out. I then replaced the bulb and he tried to pull the new bulb out. He did not believe that I had already done it while he was setting the drill down in a safe place.😊😊As I was pushing the assembly back on the car I requested that he place one of the screws from the left over to the right. An act of congress might have been faster to obtain. He saw no need. I could not give a rational enough reason.
After all bulbs were in place he insisted on knowing why I thought they were burned out in the first place. I explained how the turn signals were blinking real fast. He countered with there was something wrong with my van. After replacing the bulbs the one on the right was normal then started flashing fast. That is because the front signal is burned out too I said. He said well the left didn't do that. *sigh* That is because it is still good. How do I know that it is just not a bad fuse or the van isn't broken. I had also been told by another driver that I had no brake lights.
Finally the thing that got the questions to stop was this. The little panel on the dash that tells you all the broken things, told me the lights were burned out. I was vindicated by a car computer screen that must be manually reset when things are fixed.
Add this to my discovery that my recycle place is gone and one might understand my frustration for the weekend. My new challenge is really going to be to eliminate as much plastic from my life as I can since I have no where to dispose of it. Lastly, my final task for January was to remove the bumper from the pumpkin van. I failed. DH was beside himself trying figure out why I would do that. So rather than appeal to congress I relented.
It is time to carry #10 to her bed as she is sound asleep on the couch. It is also time to pass out pills to the rest of the crew. I'll take a deep breath and start fresh again in February.
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